The Case of Second Year Licence Students at the Department of Letters and English Language-Kasdi Merbah University- Ouargla- Algeria

General Information:
Master’s |
Level |
The Case of Second Year Licence Students at the Department of Letters and English Language-Kasdi Merbah University- Ouargla- Algeria |
Title |
Letters and Foreign Languages |
Specialty |
Cover Page:
General Introduction
1 Background of the Study
2 Research Motivation3
3 Statement of the Problem
4 Aim of the Study
5 Research Question
6 Research Hypothesis
7 Methodology and Research Design
8 Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter One: Teaching Vocabulary in the EFL Context
1.1 Definition of Vocabulary
1.2 Types of Vocabulary
1.2.1 Receptive Vocabulary Knowledge
1.2.2 Productive Vocabulary Knowledge
1.3 Vocabulary Teaching Techniques in EFL Classes
1.3.1 Techniques of Presentation Visual Techniques Verbal Techniques
1.3.2 Techniques of Practice
1.3.3 Techniques of Training
1.4 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Vocabulary
1.4.1 Teacher-Centered Strategies Unplanned Vocabulary Teaching Strategy Planned Vocabulary Teaching Strategy
1.4.2 Learner-Centered Strategy Word Ignorance Dictionary Use
1.5 The Importance of Teaching Vocabulary in EFL Classes
Chapter Two: Context Clues in EFL Reading
2.1 Definition of Context Clues
2.2 Types of Context Clues
2.2.1. Definition/ Explanation
2.2.2 Experience Clues
2.2.3 Contrast Clues
2.2.4 Synonym Clues
2.2.5 Restatement Clues
2.2.6 Inference Clues
2.3 The Process of Teaching Context Clues
2.4 Implementing the Use of Context Clues in the EFL Classroom
2.5 The Effectiveness of Using Context Clues Strategy
Chapter Three: Quasi-Experimental Investigation on Using Context Clues in EFL Reading
3.1 The Sample
3.2 Research Variables
3.3 The Method
3.4 Overview of the Procedures
3.4.1 The Pre-test Procedures
3.4.2 The Treatment Procedures
3.4.3 The Post-test Procedures
3.5 Descriptive Analysis
3.5.1 Analysis of the Pre- test Results
3.5.2 Analysis of the Post-test Results
3.6 Results of the Pre-test and the Post-test Scores
3.7 Testing the Hypothesis
3.8 Findings and Discussion
General Conclusion